The Two Red Gringos are the liverpool podcast for the fan who can’t be in the ground every weekend but loves the club all the same. based out of el paso, tx and mexico city, the gringos are bringing global perspective to this global game

Season 2 Episode 9: I'm Going Rover

The Two Red Gringos are both in Texas for the first time in months and are back with what can only be described as a mammoth episode, clocking in at just over 2 and a half hours. With Martin Skrtel's disaster of an appearance against Southampton and talk of a European Super League looming, Phil and Patrick do the only thing they know to do; lash out. Skrtel, Charlie Stillitano and American sports owners in general get taken to task. "In the Anals of History, people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and Episode 9 of the Two Red Gringos."

Season 3 Episode 1: #Klopptimism and Yams, Breh

Season 2 Episode 8: Super (Sad) Tuesday

Season 2 Episode 8: Super (Sad) Tuesday